Relationship Hero Code of Ethics

Relationship Hero's Code of Ethics is our set of rules about how coaches must conduct themselves with clients.

The Code of Ethics

Treat clients with respect.

Always have the client's best interest in mind. Work toward the client's preferred goals. Meet the client where they're at, and make sure not to make them feel pressured to follow your coaching.

Maintain objectivity. Only offer predictions and conclusions that are grounded in facts, logic and scientific principles.

Only provide coaching for adults 18 years of age or older.

Maintain a professional working relationship with clients. Don’t pursue any other relationship type with clients as long as you’re employed by Relationship Hero.

Maintain strictest confidentiality for both coaches and clients. Provide services without requesting that clients share personally identifiable information. Keep client information 100% confidential.

Provide coaching honestly and in good faith. Do not use manipulation or deception when coaching clients. Do not coach clients on how to manipulate or deceive others.

Discontinue coaching clients in a dangerous situation and provide appropriate resources to ensure safety. Some examples are: Client is in physical/imminent danger, Client is in an abusive relationship and in cohabitation with their abuser or abuse victim, Client attempted suicide within a certain period of time, Client engaged in self harm within a certain period of time. More info here.

Financial Advice

Coaching can be a wide-ranging conversation. It's ok to talk about financial topics. However, it will always be made clear that coaches do not advise, more so they will offer one perspective which does not substitute for the advice of a qualified financial advisor.

Coaching can be a wide-ranging conversation. It's ok to talk about legal topics. However, it will always be made clear that coaches do not advise, more so they will offer one perspective which does not substitute for the advice of a qualified legal advisor.

Medical Advice and Diagnosis

As coaches we are not licensed medical professionals. Although some coaches may carry those relevant qualifications, in the capacity of their work as a coach at Relationship Hero no license can be exercised. This means that when a client presents a situation wherein they would be best assisted by a medical professional it is our ethical responsibility to recommend they seek that assistance outside of the coaching we offer here. We can not provide any diagnosis of any illness, nor can we suggest nor prescribe any type of medication or treatment.

Mental Health and Diagnosis

As Coaches we are not licensed mental health specialists. Although some coaches may carry those relevant qualifications, in the capacity of their work as a coach at Relationship Hero no license can be exercised. When a client presents with mental health issues it is important that it is made clear to them that we do not assist in such matters in a medical capacity. A note of clearance from a therapist may be required in some instances to ensure that the client is stable enough to receive coaching. We can not provide any diagnosis of any illness, nor can we suggest nor prescribe any type of medication or treatment.

Ethics vs. Morals

There may be client situations that are not in conflict with the Code of Ethics but don't align with a coach's personal moral framework, i.e. what the coach personally feels is "right" and "wrong". In these cases, clients are still eligible for coaching from another coach. For example, if it's against a coach's morals to help a client who is seeking a polyamorous relationship, then another coach can be better matched with the client's goals.

Last updated

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